About Our Memberships

Membership in The Woman’s Club of Nashville brings you everything from new friends, to exciting social events, as well as educational enrichment opportunities. Members of WCN are dedicated to preserving the values of community and service on which the founding members of The Club built. We are committed to enhancing our community through our various departments, programs, community service, and events.

Schedule of Meetings

You will have the opportunity to attend educational and social meetings, participate in on-going community projects and special events showcasing national and international speakers of interest.

Membership Meeting

2nd Friday of each month

Contemporary Books

1st Thursday of each month


2nd Tuesday of each month


2nd Wednesday of each month

Game Night

3rd Tuesday of each month

Great Books

3rd Wednesday of each month

Fine Arts

3rd Friday in September, November, February and April

Education & Personal Enrichment

3rd Friday in October, January, March and May

Potpourri Committee

4th Tuesday of each month (September-June)


Every Thursday

* Departments do not meet in the months of June, July and August with the exception of Bridge that meets year round. As a member you will also be able to enjoy exclusive rates for reserving your special event in one of our gorgeous venues.

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